Coding Club

Do you also register for online courses but keep finding other stuff to do instead? Do you have a list of tutorials that you want to take and a bunch of tools you would love to learn but find it difficult to motivate yourself to do it? The coding club is a community where we help each other achieve these goals and educate ourselves.

We will schedule courses, exercises, guides etc, and as a group commit to do it in an agreed period of time. In the end we share our achievements, what we have learned, and the results. We also agree to keep in touch while taking the course by meeting online and share how it’s going.

Join the telegram chat if you want to join the coding club. In this channel we have informal chats about the ongoing courses:

Meetings and presentations are done on jitsi meet:

Scheduled courses

February/March 2021

Data Scraping for journalists and researchers (in Danish)

Status meetings: 10th February & 10th March, 7PM - 8PM on Jitsi Meet

Final presentation: 31st March, 7PM-8PM on Jitsi Meet

Shared list of ideas of courses, tutorials and guides